
Where Does Spice And Wolf Anime End In The Light Novel

News Just a reminder to be watchful and wary of T-shirt scammers...


Well, my people, it seems to exist another active 24-hour interval for the T-shirt scammers, contacting our members en masse through Direct Messaging with fraudulent sales links. I'll directly your attention back to the previous stickied posting warning of this, which is still active and being updated with identification of these frauster accounts.

A solution for displaying the Anniversary Collectors Edition volume vertically (18+ simply though)

thirteen Upvotes

So, I am a smoker, and it'southward horrible I know...Merely today it came in handy. I noticed a 32ct pack of rolling papers is the PERFECT thickness to use as a wedge to support the books pages for displaying continuing upward. A 24pk would likely work and both can be found for about $1 (USD). I actively discourage minors from using this advice but to those of us old enough to purchase the production, give it a shot!

A volume came.

Post image


Light novel Anyone interested in a "re-READ" of the LNs?


Alright gang, I know the rewatch is slated to start up next week but I don't think e'er seeing a sub-wide light novel reading. I'm still working my way through the novels only I've had many questions, thoughts, and emotions along the way that I wish I could have shared with a group (volume-club style). I would love to start fresh from the starting time and have sub-broad discussions almost the books every bit nosotros all continue!

First of all, I want to guess the interest level to see if this idea is worth-while. We can also discuss a schedule. I think daily (like well-nigh rewatches) is too ambitious; I'm certain many of you can crush a LN in a day merely I want to make sure everyone who wants to bring together has plenty of fourth dimension to finish each book earlier the discussion. Then is one novel a calendar week reasonable? Once every two weeks? Does information technology make sense to break it up past 2-3 chapters each week? Or do yous accept a different scheduling idea altogether? As for when to begin, I think we should wait until at least the rewatch is over: I don't want to overlap with the posts in that location and hopefully the rewatch will spark some new interest in the novels! And then when would exist a proficient time to brainstorm the re-reading?

I retrieve this could exist a lot of fun and a great chance for everyone to either experience the low-cal novels for the beginning time or through a new lens!

I'm sure in that location are lots of planning/full general information things that I missed then any feedback is appreciated. Let me know what you think!!

Word The Spice and Wolf 2022 rewatch begins one week from today


Hey Guys. Holofan4life here.

The Spice and Wolf rewatch begins one week from today on Th, July 7th. From at that place, nosotros volition be watching one episode each mean solar day via Funimation, with the episode thread being posted at 4:00 PM EST.

I do want to quickly say that someone told me that Spice and Wolf was getting removed off of Hulu. I checked and co-ordinate to sites, information technology is supposed to be removed from in that location sometime later today. If it gets removed from Hulu, I'll let you know and we'll just take to watch via Funimation.

That's information technology for now. I hope to run into you for the rewatch. Take care.

Manga Is the manga any expert?


I finished the anime and i desire to know how this story ends but i dont think i can buy and complete all the LN volumes so i was wondering if the manga is worth reading. I heard that it has a lot cut from it compared to the LN.

Lite novel How many LN volumes are there?


I just finished the anime and im wondering how many translated and published volumes in that location are. Im thinking of completing the whole story if all the volumes are available.

Remerio Fiasco, was at that place a turn a profit or loss overall

sixteen Upvotes

Rewatching season i and am curious if at the terminate of the flavour if Lawrence and Holo turned a turn a profit overall or not. Since they lost their whole bank and went into debt with them owing on credit. I believe they owed around 45 Lumion Golden pieces. I am unsure if the 130 Lumion Gold pieces brought them back to what they had originally before the pepper trade.

Discussion Question regarding episode 8


Hi, i've simply started spice and wolf and am on episode 8. I'grand a picayune confused every bit to what happens in the scene where Holo spills the water but it'due south actually vino? Pitiful if this is a dumb question I'g simply a flake confused with what it all meant

Is there genuinely a season III in the works?


So I'chiliad about a decade late to the party. I'm unequivocally a fan of the median, but have always avoided the romance genre. As male in my mid 30's, I struggle with the copious amounts of fan service; pedophiliac, incestuous content that runs rampant in the industry. I recently sat down wnd inadvertently binge watched this series, and it was marvelous. I'g in complete awe as to how much I enjoyed it, and how for the first time, I'm a full simp for a character. Holo was inexplicably well written, and I'one thousand irritated at my presuppositions, that prevented me from viewing this objectively wonderful series years ago. I was genuinely disappointed when ending the series, because I desired more. I've seen plethora of articles/videos/subreddits over the past few years, with rumors circulating of a renewed flavor, but am all the same to stumble beyond anything factual, giving a definitive respond. And so, is there a season III in the works?

I volition pick upward the manga, but I'm merely curious every bit to the condition of a renewed flavor for the blithe series. Given how mangas are always better than their animated counterparts, I'yard excited to read them.

Word The Spice and Wolf rewatch officially begins two weeks from today. Hither's the schedule.


Hey, guys. Holofan4life hither.

The Spice and Wolf rewatch will brainstorm two weeks from today on Thursday, July 7th. As such, I want to provide you an index/schedule on how information technology'southward going to work. Here it is.

Date Episode Engagement Episode
7/07/2022 [Spice and Wolf Episode 1]() 7/twenty/2022 [Spice and Wolf 2 Episode 0 (OVA 2)]()
vii/08/2022 [Spice and Wolf Episode 2]() 7/21/2022 [Spice and Wolf II Episode 1]()
seven/09/2022 [Spice and Wolf Episode 3]() vii/22/2022 [Spice and Wolf II Episode 2]()
vii/10/2022 [Spice and Wolf Episode iv]() 7/23/2022 [Spice and Wolf II Episode iii]()
vii/11/2022 [Spice and Wolf Episode 5]() vii/24/2022 [Spice and Wolf 2 Episode 4]()
7/12/2022 [Spice and Wolf Episode 6]() seven/25/2022 [Spice and Wolf II Episode five]()
7/13/2022 [Spice and Wolf Episode 7(OVA 1)]() vii/26/2022 [Spice and Wolf Two Episode vi]()
7/14/2022 [Spice and Wolf Episode 8]() 7/27/2022 [Spice and Wolf II Episode 7]()
7/15/2022 [Spice and Wolf Episode nine]() 7/28/2022 [Spice and Wolf 2 Episode eight]()
seven/16/2022 [Spice and Wolf Episode ten]() 7/29/2022 [Spice and Wolf II Episode 9]()
seven/17/2022 [Spice and Wolf Episode xi]() vii/xxx/2022 [Spice and Wolf Two Episode 10]()
seven/18/2022 [Spice and Wolf Episode 12]() seven/31/2022 [Spice and Wolf II Episode xi]()
7/19/2022 [Spice and Wolf Episode 13]() eight/01/2022 [Spice and Wolf Two Episode 12]()
viii/02/2022 [Overall Series Discussion Thread]()

Remember that you can watch Spice and Wolf on Funimation's Website too as Hulu. Also, I will exist posting reminder threads next Thursday as well as the day earlier.

See y'all there.


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